File Sharing and Synchronization

Projetex uses it's own file sharing and synchronization system, which does not require configuring any additional folder sharing settings on your server PC. All files stored in the BusinessServer folder can be downloaded, updated and uploaded between the server and workstations.

Projetex Workstations automatically create local copies of files and folders stored in BusinessServer folder on the server machine. All local files and folders are contained in the Business folder on the Workstation machine.

Note: All users running a Projetex Workstation on the same PC have one common local repository folder and work with the same local files.



File statuses and operations with files

When a user opens a file, he or she in fact opens a downloaded copy of the file, stored in their Business folder. To update this file on the server, the user will need to upload this file to the server by right-clicking the file and then clicking Upload on the drop-down context menu, or clicking the Upload button on the toolbar above the files list.

Each file or folder can have one of the following statuses:

Team - the files stored in the Business folder on server and in local storage are identical.

Team - Changed on Workstation - the local copy of the file has been modified, the file on the server has not been updated.

Team - Changed on Server - the file on the server has been modified, the local copy has not been updated.

Team - Missing - the file exists on the server, but has not been downloaded to a local PC yet (or has been deleted locally).

Local - the file exists locally, but has not been uploaded to the server yet (or has been deleted on server).


Locking files

When a file exists on the server (i.e. it's status is Team, Team - Changed on Workstation, Team - Changed on Server or Team - Missing), it can be locked with the Lock button. In this case only the user who locked the file will be able to alter it on the server. Other users will be able to download the locked file but not upload any new versions. Thus the user who is working with this file can be sure that the file will not be replaced on the server by other users until the work is complete.

If a user forgets to unlock their locked files after working on them, but another user needs to work with the same files, he or she can right-click on the locked file and select the Break Lock option. Then files will be unlocked and can now be locked by another user. Break Lock does not affect files locked by the current user. Use the Unlock button to unlock such files.

These operations can be performed on the Files tabs of the Client, Prospect, Project, Corporate Expert, Applicant, and Freelancer windows. The list of files these tabs display includes both the local files and the files existing on the server.        

Note: It is advisable to lock file every time when you work with it, because in this case all users will be able to see that someone is working with the file. Thus you will not get a situation when several users work with the same file and then upload changes on server. Only your changes will be accepted by server.

Note: Please use the Break Lock function only if you are sure that the file is not being worked on by another user.


Quick upload and unlock

In the upper-right corner of the window you will see a drop-down menu labelled "Team".



Clicking it will reveal two options:

Upload Changes - any work files that are both locked by the current user and have the status Local or Team - Changed on Workstation are immediately uploaded to the server.

Clear Locks - unlocks all files locked by the current user.



See also:

Projetex Folder Structure

Working with files in Projetex