Creating/Editing Prices

To add or edit a price, click the New/Edit button on the Prices tab of the Client/Prospect/Corporate Expert/Freelancer/Applicant windows to create/edit an individual price, or in the Prices for Clients/Prospects/Corporate Experts/Applicants/Freelancers windows to create/edit a general price.




Prices in Projetex 3D have the following parameters:

Group - you can select any of the groups of services available. To add or edit a group of services please open Corporate Settings in the Backstage view, and select the Groups of Services section.

Service - each group of services contains a separate list of services. Before selecting a service, select the group of services first.  To add or edit a service please open Corporate Settings in the Backstage view, and select the Services section.

Units - prices in TO3000 3D are quoted per certain units. A price can only be applied to a Client Job with its volume in the same units. To add custom units please open Corporate Settings in the Backstage view, and select the Volume Units section.

Price (per unit) - Enter the default fee per selected unit.

Currency - Select the currency. This option is locked to the Client's currency when creating/editing an individual price. To add currencies to the list please open Corporate Settings in the Backstage view, and select the Currencies section. To configure the exchange rate between your base currency and other currencies open Corporate Settings in the Backstage view, and select the Exchange Rates section.



See also:

Copying Individual Prices to General Price List

Managing Services

Managing Volume Units