Intexto traducciones

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Intexto traducciones is a team of experienced translators offering Spanish translation services to multilingual digital production agencies. Our colleagues are carefully selected and genuinely specialise in one of the following four fields: legal, technical, medical or editorial content. We are specialists in major projects requiring specific linguistic and technical skills, close teamworking with systematic proofreading by a second translator, project management using CAT tools to ensure flawless consistency in translations, translation memory maintenance during all phases of the project and quality management.



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HUMANA COM&TRAD is a Brazil based company that provides translation and interpreting services in Portuguese, Spanish, French, English and other languages on demand. The company works mainly in the Amazon region were it has been providing services at small, medium and large events, covering environmental, scientific, social and educational issues. It’s main goal is to qualify translators and interpreters to meet the increasing local market demands offering accurate language services.

Business Cases


MTS and Projetex: the translation project manager for the big company

Master Translation Service (China) is a specialized service provider of technical translation, interpretation, software localization, website localization, multilingual DTP (Desktop Publishing) and multimedia localization into Chinese and other major Asian languages.For more than a decade, Master Translation Services has been committed to setting the highest standards for quality and client service in the translation industry.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 25 Workstations