
If you have any questions or encounter any problems with Projetex, please contact our support department. To do so, visit AIT Help Center at single place for support of multiple AIT software products. We would be also grateful for your feedback, remarks or suggestions.

Open AIT Help Center

The following options are available there:

Submit a ticket to Projetex support team.
You will be answered by e-mail ASAP, usually within 12-24 hours.

View Projetex Knowledgebase.
It is very likely that you will find your answer there even sooner than we answer your e-mail.

Browse Projetex Troubleshooter.
Some of the more common known issues can be solved following the steps of Projetex online troubleshooter.

Please also check Documentation and Online Help pages.


Powered by Projetex

Created and managed by a group of experienced professionals, with long term experience acquired working for leading multinational companies in the fields of product internationalization, software engineering and project management, Tetraktys offers a wide range of services related to the internationalization of products and services.

Business Cases logo and Projetex: systematizing the company information (Gliwice, Poland) is a translation agency specializing in written translations of technical, medical, commercial, business and legal texts into Polish.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 7 Workstations