Arts Translations


Arts Translations is the translation agency of choice for French, German, Polish, English and many other languages. We are a modern translation agency and provide high-quality and reliable translations at competitive prices. We provide these services to individuals as well as to companies. Our low overheads and our use of highly experienced and qualified native translators enable us to offer reliable translations at excellent prices. Every translation is undertaken by a translator specialized in the appropriate subject matter.



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Noomus is a service provider that produces comprehensive language service and specializes in maintaining multilingual technical material throughout its lifecycle. Noomus was established in 2003, and is a growing company, with resources that operate all over the world.

Business Cases


McFelder Translations and Projetex: the control over the entire translation process

McFelder Translations (Banyoles, Spain) is a quality accredited translation company that specialises in the translation of technical and scientific texts. The company applies the highest standards of Language Localisation, by ensuring that any Interpreting or Translation project is conducted and proofed by native speaker specialists.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 5 Workstations