Intexto traducciones

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Intexto traducciones is a team of experienced translators offering Spanish translation services to multilingual digital production agencies. Our colleagues are carefully selected and genuinely specialise in one of the following four fields: legal, technical, medical or editorial content. We are specialists in major projects requiring specific linguistic and technical skills, close teamworking with systematic proofreading by a second translator, project management using CAT tools to ensure flawless consistency in translations, translation memory maintenance during all phases of the project and quality management.



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Established in 1997, Novilinguists is a well ranked localisation company on the international arena. Located in Italy, it was founded by two dynamic and dedicated women who have created a flexible team of language professionals to serve the longterm language needs of clients operating in a global business environment. Scalable to meet complex customer localisation needs, Novilinguists believes ‘know-how’ integration is the only valuable client-oriented approach which ensures seamless interaction with ideas, processes and quality, thus creating unparalleled added-value to the final product.

Business Cases

Prevodi.Bg and Projetex: essential in providing high quality Ltd (Bulgaria) is a licensed Bulgarian translation agency that has concentrated all its attention and efforts on the translations and strives to offer the best Bulgarian translation service to its clients.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 5 Workstations