MF Traducciones


MF Traducciones was formed in 1996 to meet the demand for high quality translation, localization and conference interpreting services with an emphasis on providing quality within fast turnaround times. MF Traducciones‘ services are specially tailored to meet its customer needs, not only for high-volume projects but also for small projects that are required urgently, always with the utmost reliability and reserve.


Powered by Projetex

BLC – Brazilian Localization Company has been providing technical English-into-Brazilian Portuguese Translation Services to US and European translation companies for 13 years. During this period, BLC has created an environment that fosters the continuous improvement of the company processes and skills, establishing the foundation of a solid professional relationship with company clients and delivering the reliable solution for quality translation, editing, and clearly-defined Quality Assurance (QA) procedure.

Business Cases


Sentro Translation & Localization and Projetex: integrating different translation workflow tools

Sentro Translation and Localization is a leading Turkish translation and localization company acting in many different areas of translation business with its wide personnel and its offices located in two sides (European and Asian sides) of Istanbul, Turkey

Projetex licenses: 1 Server, 15 Workstations