
Trans4europe_logo is a network of highly-qualified translators that consists of native-speakers proofreading and translating into their mother-tongue only. objective is to provide something beyond the expectations of its clients and to make translation easily approachable to anyone.


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A.M.TRANSlation Services language agency translates European languages in various combinations. The company is acquainted with and takes into consideration the special requirements and practices in the target country and prepares the translation specifically for the target group the client requests. A.M.TRANSlation Services is also happy to undertake proofreading of and corrections in style to the client texts or write out a fair copy.

Business Cases


Absolute Translations and Projetex: the multilingual project management

Absolute Translations (United Kingdom) is a leading language company working with teams of linguists in-house and around the world. The company language teams consist of professionals working exclusively within their expert language and remit. These include professional language translators, interpreters, voice over artists, typesetters and proofreaders.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 5 Workstations