Jan Řáda

We have been using Projetex for one year now and it meets our requirements perfectly. Great value for money!

Posted By: Jan Řáda
Czech Republic


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Intexto traducciones is a team of experienced translators offering Spanish translation services to multilingual digital production agencies. Our colleagues are carefully selected and genuinely specialise in one of the following four fields: legal, technical, medical or editorial content. We are specialists in major projects requiring specific linguistic and technical skills, close teamworking with systematic proofreading by a second translator, project management using CAT tools to ensure flawless consistency in translations, translation memory maintenance during all phases of the project and quality management.



Business Cases


Sentro Translation & Localization and Projetex: integrating different translation workflow tools

Sentro Translation and Localization is a leading Turkish translation and localization company acting in many different areas of translation business with its wide personnel and its offices located in two sides (European and Asian sides) of Istanbul, Turkey

Projetex licenses: 1 Server, 15 Workstations