Pederzoli-Amormino GbR

Pederzoli-Amormino GbR

I had a problem with the installation of Projetex Server 2006 on our new PC and you gave me the best assistance I have ever found so far! Thanks especially to Aleksandr Yarosevich who managed to solve our glitches with Firebird via remote control in a brilliant and effective way. It was a real pleasure to see live how a problem could be solved in a few minutes by a great professional.

You AIT guys definitely rock! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Posted By: Francesco Amormino


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TCI Translations is a translation and interpreting bureau with more than 10 years’ experience of translating and interpreting services. The company has a unique package of services that it can offer separately or as an integral whole. Thousands of companies, non-profit organisations and private individuals have made use of TCI Translations services.

Business Cases


AD 3DOORS and Projetex: supplying high service standards

AD 3DOORS (Tallinn, Estonia) has three main services: translation, design and layout, and printing, to provide the customers a high quality combined service whenever needed. Open communication style, multicultural approach and international project management skills of AD 3DOORS have enabled it to become a substantial, loyal and highly regarded service provider.

Projetex licenses: 1 Server, 5 Workstations