Sherefedin Mustafa

Sherefedin Mustafa

Projetex has significantly helped me to increase the efficiency of my business. Can’t really imagine how could I run a translation agency before without this powerful tool which helps me manage my activities and respect deadlines and agreed terms with both clients and freelancers. Projetex is a reliable software and works perfectly, no crashes, no unnecessary waste of time. It works in the way every good software should work. My working day starts by opening Projetex on my pc!

Posted By: Sherefedin Mustafa


Powered by Projetex

Rosario Traducciones y Servicios S.A. was created to offer Spanish translation services to various companies in the USA, Europe, Australia, Asia and Latin America. The company combines in-house employees with an international network of translation professionals. Rosario professional translators and linguists, graphic designers and expert project managers are responsible for successfully carrying out every project.

Business Cases


McFelder Translations and Projetex: the control over the entire translation process

McFelder Translations (Banyoles, Spain) is a quality accredited translation company that specialises in the translation of technical and scientific texts. The company applies the highest standards of Language Localisation, by ensuring that any Interpreting or Translation project is conducted and proofed by native speaker specialists.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 5 Workstations