
HUMANA COM&TRAD is a Brazil based company that provides translation and interpreting services in Portuguese, Spanish, French, English and other languages on demand. The company works mainly in the Amazon region were it has been providing services at small, medium and large events, covering environmental, scientific, social and educational issues. It’s main goal is to qualify translators and interpreters to meet the increasing local market demands offering accurate language services.


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Lexicon‘s translations services cover all areas and language combinations. The company also provides services of interpreting, company tailored language courses and language consulting for specific needs. Lexicon has strong skills in the field of advertising and copywriting, as well as in website design and localization.

Business Cases


Absolute Translations and Projetex: the multilingual project management

Absolute Translations (United Kingdom) is a leading language company working with teams of linguists in-house and around the world. The company language teams consist of professionals working exclusively within their expert language and remit. These include professional language translators, interpreters, voice over artists, typesetters and proofreaders.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 5 Workstations