Tik Tak Translations

Tik Tak Translations is an international translation agency providing translations services in over 140 languages and for a range of markets. Tik Tak Translations has established business relationships with professional translators worldwide to offer clients services in a variety of fields including; marketing, legal, technical, web, simultaneous and academic translations.



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TranScripta Translation Services, a body of professional translators based in Malta, was set up to provide elegant and professional translations. It is especially geared to provide translations into and from Maltese, an official EU language, and Arabic. TranScripta brings together a wide array of Maltese and Arabic translation professionals specialised in various areas of expertise.


Business Cases


AD 3DOORS and Projetex: supplying high service standards

AD 3DOORS (Tallinn, Estonia) has three main services: translation, design and layout, and printing, to provide the customers a high quality combined service whenever needed. Open communication style, multicultural approach and international project management skills of AD 3DOORS have enabled it to become a substantial, loyal and highly regarded service provider.

Projetex licenses: 1 Server, 5 Workstations