Sergio Afonso, Absolute Translations Ltd

Absolute Translations

We have used Projetex for almost 7 years and like it time saving features.

Posted By: Sergio Afonso, Absolute Translations Ltd
United Kingdom


Powered by Projetex

With head offices in Berlin, Germany, Trans-tech is an internet connected team of translators and interpreters in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa. The staff includes engineers, scientists and economists from many branches of technology, industry and commerce.

Business Cases


Trans4Europe and Projetex: Website Translation Projects

Trans4Europe is a company specializing in linguistic services for businesses. Since its creation in 2006, Trans4Europe has been rapidly expanding. Today, the company has offices in France, Belgium and Morocco and over 35 employees. Our linguistic team is able to propose a large range of services from translation and interpreting to website creation and localization.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 32 Workstations