What Users Say

Spanish Technical Translations

Projetex… is the program I use and, actually I believe it’s the best one in the market right now.

Posted By: Ruben Berrozpe
Stanislav Pokorny

Projetex is not only a perfectly functional product, it is also fully scalable and its users do not even have to have any special computer skills to modify the default database settings to suit their needs. Everything is perfectly transparent and can be achieved within a few mouse clicks. (…) Projetex is the best value for money you can get worldwide and SMART Translations have certainly benefitted from purchasing it.

Posted By: Stanislav Pokorny
Czech Republic

…we think your project management software is the best that is out there for us translators and project managers.

Posted By: Claudia Brandt
Sherefedin Mustafa

Projetex has significantly helped me to increase the efficiency of my business. Can’t really imagine how could I run a translation agency before without this powerful tool which helps me manage my activities and respect deadlines and agreed terms with both clients and freelancers. Projetex is a reliable software and works perfectly, no crashes, no unnecessary waste of time. It works in the way every good software should work. My working day starts by opening Projetex on my pc!

Posted By: Sherefedin Mustafa
Trans-tech logo

Your support is far better than anything I have experienced during the past 33 years as a translator.

Posted By: Werner Behnke

Projetex seems to suit our needs, very well in fact, and with a bargain price. Your technical support is excellent and fast. We are happy that we chose Projetex over other available options and we plan to keep using Projetex and its newer version in the future.

Posted By: Aki Nieminen
ad Verbum

Projetex is working very good and we’re very satisfied we chose your product!

Posted By: Viestarts Vidins

Many thanks for your upgraded version, my sincere congratulations to you!

Date of Posting: 2010-08-15
Posted By: Scott Li
Hong Kong
Eloquia logo

We all love working with Projetex, it has made operations much easier and transparent for all of us. Great product! Best regards from all of us here at ELOQUIA

Posted By: Carmen Kruger, Managing Director

Projetex is a system that has become an integral part of our daily work routine. It has allowed us to be more efficient, organized and overall productive. Most importantly, the support provided by AIT staff is outstanding. We have never regretted our decision to purchase Projetex.

Posted By: Michael Kramskiy


Powered by Projetex

TranScripta Translation Services, a body of professional translators based in Malta, was set up to provide elegant and professional translations. It is especially geared to provide translations into and from Maltese, an official EU language, and Arabic. TranScripta brings together a wide array of Maltese and Arabic translation professionals specialised in various areas of expertise.


Business Cases


McFelder Translations and Projetex: the control over the entire translation process

McFelder Translations (Banyoles, Spain) is a quality accredited translation company that specialises in the translation of technical and scientific texts. The company applies the highest standards of Language Localisation, by ensuring that any Interpreting or Translation project is conducted and proofed by native speaker specialists.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 5 Workstations