
The following Reports are included in Projetex 3D:

Client Reports

Show the Total funds invoiced by clients

Client reports

The All report adds up invoices within the Selected Period.

The Top 5/10/25 reports each come in two versions: This year and All time. They show the indicated number of clients with the greatest total invoices over either the current year or across the entire database. They also show the overall percentage of the displayed clients’ invoices in your gross revenue.

Client Job Reports

Jobs Chart

Jobs Chart

A bar diagram showing the monthly total volume of jobs created for a specific client

Jobs Table

Jobs Table

Similar to Jobs Chart, but presented as a table.

Volume of Completed Jobs

Volume of Completed Jobs

A table showing the total volumes of completed jobs, with columns representing months and rows representing volume units.

Sales Table

Sales Table

A table showing total sales for each month in the selected period.

Sales chart

Sales chart

A bar diagram showing the total monthly sales over the selected period.

Total Sales by Clients

Total Sales by Clients

Contains separate tables for each client, with the total volume and value of each “Group/service/unit” combination sold to each client.

Sales History chart

Sales History chart

A bar diagram showing the total monthly sales over the entire history of the database.

Sales History Report by Clients

Sales History Report by Clients

Shows the total volume and value of each unit type sold to each client over the entire history of the database.
Sales by Service Sales by Service A pie diagram showing the percentage of specific services in the total sales volume.
Sales by units Sales by units

A table showing the total volume and sum value of each kind of unit sold to all clients

Income and Expense Report Table

Income and Expense Report List

Income and Expense Report Table and List

Reports showing monthly incomes and expenses, and totalling them to arrive at the overall balance. The two reports differ mainly in layout.


Invoice Reports

Invoice Register

Invoice Register

Contains tables showing basic information on all invoices issued to each client (Date issued, Date due, number, total, paid amount, currency).

Customer ledger

Customer ledger

A table showing the total payments received from each client, further added up to totals in each currency and the grand total in the base currency.

Sales chart

Sales chart

A bar diagram showing the total monthly sales (based on invoices) over the selected period.

Sales History chart

Sales History chart

A bar diagram showing the total monthly sales (based on invoices) over the entire history of the database. 


Payment Report

Sales History chart

Sales History chart

A bar diagram showing the total monthly sales (based on payments) over the entire history of the database. 

Sales chart

Sales chart

A bar diagram showing the total monthly sales (based on payments) over the selected period.

Sales List

Sales List

A chronological list showing the linked invoice numbers, Client job names and numbers, and the amounts paid for each payment over the selected period.

Account Receivable

Account Receivable

Shows the totals of expected payments from each client. 

Customer ledger

Customer ledger

A table showing the total payments received from each client, further added up to totals in each currency and the grand total in the base currency.

Income Report #1

Income Report #1

Shows a list of all payments issued over the selected period, with issue date and total in both client’s currency and base currency.

Income Report #2

Income Report #2

A table of monthly payment totals from all clients, in the base currency.

Cash Flow Table

Cash Flow List

Cash Flow Table and List

Two reports showing monthly payments from client and to experts, and totalling them to arrive at the overall balance. The two reports differ mainly in layout.


PM Reports

Completed Client Jobs

Completed Client Jobs

The total volume of client jobs completed in the selected period by each PM, separated by year, month and unit.

POs Register

POs Register

A list of all POs given to each freelancer over the selected period, with totals for each currency and a grand total.



A Productivity review for a specific PM over the selected period (projects completed, total payments received and given, total income for the company


Corporate Team Reports

Top 5

Top 5

Shows the Top 5 experts by the total value produced and their percentage of total gross production by all Corporate Experts over the selected period

Jobs Completed by Expert

Jobs Completed by Expert

Shows details of Jobs completed by a specific expert in a specific month and their total value for that month.

Cost of Jobs

Cost of Jobs

Shows the total cost of all Corporate jobs completed by each expert over the selected period.

Breakdown of Services Provided

Breakdown of Services Provided

A pie diagram showing the percentage of specific services provided by corporate experts.

Volume of Completed Jobs

Volume of Completed Jobs

The total volume of corporate jobs completed in the selected period by each Expert, separated by year, month and unit.

Average Output by Expert

Average Output by Expert

Shows the total Volume produced and time spent by each expert, separated by service provided.

Personal Output

Personal Output

Shows the details of jobs (Code, Name, Service, Volume, Time Spent, Timeline and Productivity (Volume/Time). You can select a specific Expert and\or volume unit to display, and determine whether to include only Completed jobs.

Average Output by Service

Average Output by Service

Shows the total Volume, Time spent and Productivity for each service performed by the company, separated by Expert.


Freelancer Reports

Volume of Completed Jobs

Volume of Completed Jobs

The total volume of freelance jobs completed in the selected period, separated by year, month and unit, with grand totals for each unit type.

Jobs Chart by Expert

Jobs Chart by Expert

A bar diagram showing the monthly total value of jobs completed by a specific expert over the selected period.

Orders Distribution

Orders Distribution

Shows the payments terms, totals of jobs completed in the selected period, taxes withheld, the funds to transfer and the currency for each freelancer

Average Output by Expert

Average Output by Expert

Shows the total Volume produced and each freelance expert, separated by year, month, and unit type.

POs Register

POs Register

A list of all POs given to each freelancer over the selected period, with totals for each currency and a grand total.

Payments Made

Payments Made

Shows a chronological list of all payments made to freelancers over the selected period, with totals for each currency and a grand total.

Outstanding POs

Outstanding POs

Shows a list of unpaid or partially paid POs over the selected period, with totals for each currency and a grand total.

Future Payments

Future Payments

Shows the total amount of expected freelancer payments in two lists, one separated by freelancers, the other separated by date.


3D Reports

3D Reports

The 3D tab contains Dynamic Reports: presets for the Pivot Grid, which can be customized, sorted and filtered to display only the relevant information before being exported to any compatible format. Each of the reports available has a unique set of fields which can be placed into the Pivot Grid.

Form left to right, the reports create summaries on the following:

  • Corporate, Freelance and Client Jobs

  • Projects headed by PMs with currently active Projetex user accounts, or by all PMs regardless of account status

  • Job Assignments, Purchase Orders and Invoices

  • Payments given to corporate or freelance experts, or received from clients.


Powered by Projetex

Nordtext was founded in 2006 to provide professional translation and localization services for Scandinavian and Eastern European markets. Since then, the company has been growing fast and today is one of the leading language service providers in the Baltic Sea region with offices in Latvia and Lithuania, global network of over 2300 freelance experts and customers from 4 continents.

Business Cases


Geneva Worldwide and Projetex: supplying the company’s workflow solutions

Geneva Worldwide (New York, USA) provides a full range of language services to meet the multilingual communication needs of the clients in numerous industries. With an international network of professionals, Geneva offers translation, interpreting, typesetting, transcription, and localization services in more than 180 languages.

Projetex Licenses: 1 Server, 5 Workstations